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CAD Navigation Software Tools*

CAD NAVIGATION SOFTWARE TOOLS Leverage your equipment investment

Need to have an industrial-strength CAD Navigation tool to maximise the full capabilities of your analysis lab equipment ? We bring you a full-featured, battle-tested CAD navigation solution that even our adversories talk about.



Merlin's Framework

You can use Merlin to view a design’s layout, netlist, and schematic to navigate FA equipment to a precise point to inspect, probe, or cut the suspected failure. In addition, you can crossmap the layout, netlist, and schematic to simultaneously view all three domains as well as overlay a captured image on the layout to precisely locate the image in the design data.


Camelot software system is the next-generation CAD navigation standard for failure analysis, design-debug and low yield analysis. Camelot optimizes the equipment and personnel resources of design and semiconductor failure analysis (FA) labs by providing computer interfaces and navigation capabilities for more than 50 different types of analysis and test equipment. Its application tools, features, options and networking capability provide a complete, integrated system for fast and efficient investigation and resolution of inspection, test and analysis jobs.



*CAD Navigation Tools are currently offered in korea and taiwan