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Integrated Circuit Analysis*



Whether it is for the purpose of Research, Patent Investigations, or even learning from best of design brains in the world, we collaborate with the best labs in the industry to provide comprehensive and detailed reports of most types of integrated circuit. You gain immediate advantage without the need to set up a full reverse engineering lab.


Our labs have developed various EDA tools for reverse engineering. These tools provide applications to process the images from numerous microscopic photography, extract and derive netlists and layout designs, and perform circuit analysis and simulation. The tool set enables engineers to automate circuit extraction and reduce cost and time.


Our labs provide comprehensive circuit analysis and patent analysis services to clients. We help shorten the learning curve for designers in new design project and complement their own ingenuities. We also help legal professionals capitalize on and protect corporate R&D investment. Our design teams have ample experiences in various circuit types, including but not limited to digital, analog and mix-signal devices like RF, power, ADC/DAC, PLL etc. Our labs have successfully delivered many projects.


*Circuit analysis services are provided in collaboration with various labs depending on location of customers.

For South East Asia and India customers, please contact our S.E.A office to learn more about our service collaboration with Cellixsoft.

For Korea customers, please contact our Korea office to learn more about our service collaboration with Sanguine.

For customers in other regions, please contact us by email or send us an enquiry online.